Monday, April 25, 2011

One Week Old

Had our first doctors visit today with Dr. Mattai and all she could say was, "She's perfect!" Her color was good, her weight was good, her heart sounded good and everything was just perfect as can be:) She gained her birth weight back plus a little and is now 8 lbs. 2 oz. She grew a half an inch and is 19 1/2 inches long.

We had to say good bye to Grandma and Grandpa Olson. It was a sad day! They were both so helpful with Tyler and around the house. Grandma stayed for over a week and it was too short:) Here are a few pics from their visit.

Smiling in her sleep

Easter Sunday

Tyler's friend Katelynn at the Eggstravaganza at PAZNAZ church the day before Easter. I think it looks like a prom pose:)

Easter Egg Hunt...Tyler just couldn't wait until they said go.

Our sleeping Angel!

Grandma Olson loving on her fourth grandchild.
Grandma and Grandpa Olson
"Can I hold her?" Tyler says. He just loves holding baby sister. He is such a good big brother.


Carpenters said...

Oh your photos literally bring tears to my eyes. I want to hold her so badly. There is nothing more wonderful than a newborn baby!! Thinking of you guys!

Rebecca said...

goodness she's so precious. and the one of tyler holding angela is so sweet!