Monday, September 10, 2012


Whether it is overcoming illness, overcoming fears, overcoming adversities, there is nothing to hard for God. There have been situations recently where nothing else will do but to run to God, because nothing else will do. One situation...Dave's sudden onset of ITP was a scaring thing for us, but we are thankful for the support and prayers of everyone to help us through that. We are confident that God is with us through it all. He is calming our fears. Dave had another appointment this last Wednesday and it was positive. His platelets had gone up to 79,000 from 76,000 last week, which is not a larger rise, but it is still a rise and we are thankful for that. The doctor is continuing to tapper off the steroids 20mg's at a time. He is down to 40mg's. Dave being the Superstar that he is has been business as usual and hasn't let any of the extra doctors visits and ups and downs of medicines faze him. He even put two houses into escrow this past week.
We are also helping Tyler overcoming his own fears. Recently he has been scared of the dark and "noises". He is learning about being brave and overcoming his fears with prayer and talking through them. Earlier this week I lay down with his and hugged him and said, "I want to cuddle you forever, but I know you won't always let me." He look me square int he eyes and said...."Yes I will Mommy!" It melted my heart.  This Thursday he will have his first day of preschool and face his fears of being away from mommy and going to school. Hard to believe he is starting already. He will be going two half days a week. We picked out a little backpack and packed it already. We had a little back to school play-date yesterday to celebrate with some of his friends.
Angela has done some overcoming of her own....she is successfully weaned from the bottle. That is a big deal because she really enjoyed that bottle. But, she did what she always does and rolled with the punches. She also graduated into kids church at One Voice Church. She gets to be in with the big kids now.
With some inspiration from Mom Olson this past week, Mommy tackled organizing the entire garage along with making over the picture frames in the dining room. Mommy is getting ready to be a discussion group leader for MOPS this semester. Thanks Mom for coming to visit! We loved having you! Now, for some photos from this month.
Back to school Play-date....Someone gave us this cool jumper! Tyler loves it!

Angela in the new Tuggy Boat pool. Thank you to Grandma Olson for finding this at a yard sale nearby!

Sante Fe Dam water park. This was something we found the weekend before it closed for the summer. Look forward to going again next summer.

Peacocks in the neighborhood. Tyler and his friends, Jace and Sander enjoyed watching them.

Grandma Olson and Angela at Kidspace

I turned around for one minute and this is where Grandma and I found Angela. I guess we need to keep the chairs pushed it:)

Daddy, Tyler and Angela at Manhattan beach

1 comment:

The Speck Family said...

We're glad Dave is on the mend--and tell Ty to have fun at preschool!!! Carter wishes he was 3 and could go, he talks about school everyday...

BTW, that is one awesome jumpy-castle that someone gave you...must have been a nice friend :):)