Tuesday, August 28, 2012

On the Up and Up

It has been a week since Dave's last check up where he was told his platelet levels were 54,000. We are happy to report that his platelet levels are still on the rise. We had a visit with the hematologist today after a blood test (which will be a weekly occurrence for a while) yesterday. Doctor Wang said he is up to 76,000 platelets. Still down from the normal 140,000-400,000 but still on the up and up. Doctor even told him he can resume sports (no vigorous sports) as long as the levels stay above 50,000. Dave was relieved, as ultimate frisbee is one of his major outlets. He decide to start tapering Dave off the Prednisone steroids because they can cause side effect if you are on them too long. Only side effect that Dave has been experiencing is that he is hungry all the time. We are trusting that good health will return soon for Dave. He feels completely normal, other than the fact that he is hungry all the time. It has not effected his business/work at all. As a matter of fact he just had his biggest listing ever go into escrow this afternoon. We are thankful for everyone praying for him and supporting him. We hope this journey is short, but don't know what is around the corner.

Other good news, Grandma Olson got here today for a visit. We are looking forward to spending time with her and checking things of the list that Tyler made for them to do while she is here. Things to do...take her to his preschool that he will be starting in two weeks, go to Kidspace, swing on the swing, ride the scooter, play basketball, go to Starbucks to get her coffee and play chuga chuga choo choo.

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