We had an adventure the other day to get Tyler a big boy bed. It started with a drive to Culver City, near Venice Beach. We found this bed on Craigslist.com, our favorite place to shop for furniture and why not it is always half the price of what you find in the store. We picked up the bed, which we dis-assembled and put in the van. It just barely fit, but we got it in there. Turns out we bought it from a mom with two kids who are actors. The are both going to be in Matilda and one was the Quiznos baby. Then, we took a drive toward the beach and ended in Venice, where Dave proceeded to take Tyler swimming in the ocean when it was 60 degrees outside. Tyler loved it though. He talks about the beach and the waves all the time now. We were there for about 15 minutes before I got cold in a sweatshirt and jeans and told them it was time to go.
On the way home we got stuck in traffic, conviently near Koreatown. We took a short detour to Soot Bull Jeep for some Korean BBQ so we could miss the traffic. It worked, rather than wait in traffic we enjoyed sitting the smoke filled room eating the best thing on earth...Galbi(marinated beef), Rice, Raddish soup and Garlic. It was awesome. It is my favorite restaurant in LA. If you have never been there, you need to try it! Then, headed home to turn in for the night at 9:30pm. Tyler was tired, but had fun. So was the adventure of getting his big boy bed.
He has now slept in it five consecutive nights and naps with no trouble (except one nap time when he would not go to sleep). I think he is proud of himself for becoming a big boy. We are proud of him too. I feel like we finally had a success. We judged that he was ready and he was...small victories in my book!