Monday, November 14, 2011

Super Heroes Halloween

I lacked inspiration for this years Halloween costumes, until the last minute. Literally:) Tyler wanted to be Spiderman, but I already had an angel costume for Angela. The last few years our tradition has been to so a family theme costume. Ty's first year I was a sherrif and the boys were my prisoners. Last year Ty was a tiger and Dave and I were Tarzan and Jane. This year we were all super heroes. Ty was Spiderman, Dave, Batman and me, Wonder women. Angel was an Angel which I was informed is a Superhero also:) We had Ty's costume, but the day of Halloween I was running around trying to find our costumes. Thanks to the help of Elizabeth Waters, I was able to finish mine right before we left trick or treating.
We spent the evening with Elizabeth, Ethan and Alethea Waters, Mat, Jenny, Jace and Sander Frary up in Sierra Madre. First, we went trick or treating, then we picked up pizza and went to PazNaz Harvest festival.
Elizabeth, Ethan and Alethea as the cheese and two mice.

Jace, Ty, Angela, Alethea, Ethan, and Sander.

Dakota and Ty

Angel, Batman, Spiderman and Wonder woman

1 comment:

Carpenters said...

Looks like fun! Great work on the costumes! Love you guys!