On Tuesday Angela was 6 Months old. Time has flown by even faster with Angela than it did with Tyler. Pretty soon we will packing her up and moving her to college. These last few weeks have been interesting to say the least. Angela developed a rash two weeks ago and we are still not exactly sure what it is. It is almost gone, but not quite. We have seen 4 doctors formally and two friends that are doctor. Each says something different. She seems content, but there are still a few spots on her back. We have been told everything from scabbies to a virus, to chicken pox, to hives, to Rosiola, to allergy whether food or contact allergy. I am trying to limit variables by washing clothes, clean a lot, giving oatmeal baths, not giving her any solids, and keeping her home as much as possible. I have ruled out chicken pox and scabbies. So, there are a few things left:( Besides that, we had her 6 month check up and she checked out great. Below are her stats:
Weight: 17 lbs. 2 oz. 60th percentile
Height: 26in. 60th percentile
Head: 44 in. 90th percentile
Angela is: babbling, jumping in her jumperoo, showing some anxiety being away from mommy, loving the mirror, sitting by herself and leaning over to grab things, scooting backwards, pulling her knees up like she is trying to crawl, chewing on her feet.
Angela is sleeping pretty well for her naps, but still gets up two to three times a night. She is still sleeping in our room, since big brother likes to play with her and we don't want her to wake him up.
Funny story: Tyler called me the other day and I turned around...he was standing there holding Angela, saying..."look mommy I holding her!" I told him that was not safe, but it was so cute:) He loves his sister. If I lay them on the bed together Tyler will give her a big hug and just hold her and kiss her. I know they won't be like that forever, so I will enjoy it for the moment.
Tyler is almost 3 years so we also had his check up. He was a brave little guys as he got his MMR shot. He was screaming before they even injected it, which made it hard. He is a healthy guys though. His stats are below:
Height: 37in. 80th percentile
Weight: 33lbs. 75th percentile