Saturday, December 20, 2008

5 Weeks

A wise person I know likes to use power words to describe their current state. I would like to say that right now my power word is endurance. The part of the word that sticks out to me is "endure". Raising/taking care of a infant takes much endurance physically and emotionally. I look at this tiny little person that we are entrusted with and wonder how can I be so lucky. I think about what he will be like when he is older, whether he is crying because he is hungry, tired, wet, or in pain. I wonder, how did this miracle come out of me and how can I get up one more time tonight because I am so tired? How could a little person like him cause so much pain, but not hurt me at all? We endure a lot. It really makes me appreciate my mom and other moms out there. I don't know how she did it with twins!! Way to go mom! You are awesome. I think of the people that are in chronic pain all the time and how they endure it. You have no choice. I am going to be honest. I have been in quite a bit of pain for the last 6 weeks or so, starting from when I went into labor to breastfeeding. I am not complaining, because it is all worth it. Endure has significance, because part of endurance is gaining strength. Long distance runners endure the long workouts so they can run the race. These weeks, I feel are preparing me to run the race as a parent. Not easy, but giving me the strength I need. Boy have I prayed a lot these last few weeks for strength and God has provided! He has provided in so many ways. I am so thankful for the people that have surrounded Dave and I...parents, my sister, friends, neighbors, teachers, church members. I wish I could name everyone! Thanks to people who brought "Meals on wheels", to the people who have given us gifts for Tyler, for people cleaning, for visits and conversation. We are so blessed! This may just seem like thoughts spewed on a page, and they are. I hope it makes some sense. Enjoy some pictures below of Tyler during his 4th and 5th week!
Here is Ty with his church buddies...Kaitlyn, Timmy and Kylie. They loved holding Tyler. His wearing the hat his Aunt Lindsay made:)
This is Kathy Killebrew our childbirth educator. She was helpful in more than one way.
Tyler and his buddies from our childbirth class.
Our Bradley class reunion on Dec.14th. There were 6 natural births and 2 medicated births.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

endurance is a great word for parenting. it sounds like you guys are doing great! keep up the good work. tyler is adorable!