Sunday, February 21, 2010

Another Festive Weekend

Daddy officiated a quincenera this weekend for Sara Vasquez. It was fancy and beautiful. It took place at a restaurant venue called Castaways. It is in the Hills of Burbank and overlooks the city. It was not unlike a wedding minus the groom. For those that are not familiar with a Quincenera or otherwise known as Mis Quince Anos. It is the celebration of a women into womenhood or her 15th birthday. At this one in particular, there was a ceremony where she and her court of men walked down the aisle, friends gave reflections, parents gave their blessing and gifts, and Dave gave a charge. Then there was a reception with hordeavers, dinner (prime rib:)), cake cutting, a choreographed dance with the court, DJ (AJ Mora) and dance with father and daughter. Tyler had a great time dancing to the music as usual. We had to cut his party shor tthough because we had to get him to bed before 9pm, so that he would be rested for his best friends birthday party and baptism the next day.

Birthday /Baptism Celebration: Ethan Waters

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