Monday, August 10, 2009

Tyler 9 Months

As you can see from the pictures below...I have two teeth. I love to stand and I can support my own weight, but I don't have real good balance yet. New foods I enjoy include...cottage cheese, winter squash, green beans, yogurt, peas, carrots, cheerios, bananas, pinto beans, apricots, and I think that is it for now. I am going to try some new things now that I am home for a while. I like to feed myself. I stick my whole fist in my mouth to put food in and I make a huge mess. Daddy doesn't like it when I am all dirty with food all over my face, hands and body:)
Mommy and Daddy moved my crib mattress down because I started trying to pull myself up and they did not want me to fall out.


Tira J said...

He is so handsome Shelby and Dave! I can't believe how big he is getting. Hope to meet him soon!

Rebecca said...

oh what a cutie! and growing so much. sounds like he's doing fantastic!